An exhibition of mixed media works by



A New Nature

In this collaboration of work, the artists look at the many ways nature and humanity are pleading for redemption. Their hearts yearn for the promise of newness as they live with the tension between the brokenness that surrounds them and the beauty of the Creation.

“All of Creation, every creature waits… and waits. As we wait, we celebrate what is slowly, painfully, purposefully being birthed in and around us. Creating becomes our act of courage, our statement of faith. Intentionally living and working together for the good of others, cherishing our intricate connectedness, we help shape a new nature filled with Life.”

The exhibition will be opened on Sunday 25 August 2019 at 11h30 by

the featured artists, during which they will share their ideas on the theme and on their art.

They will also present a WALKABOUT on Saturday 31 August 2019 at 10h30.

 The exhibition will conclude on Wednesday 18 September 2019