An exhibition of paintings by

Liekie Fouché


“Journey Beyond”

This exhibition of 60+ paintings consists of South-African landscapes, cloudscapes and dreamscapes that focus on connections between heaven and earth, between worlds seen and unseen. The scenarios portrayed dwell on the boundaries between dream and reality, past and future as well as nature and imagination. This journey offers an escape from the reality of our confined existence on earth, as well as freedom from the constraints of time and space.

“Journey Beyond” can be viewed at the Tina Skukan Gallery from

Saturday 31 July 2021 at 10h00 until Wednesday 25 August 2021.

Liekie Fouché will present a WALKABOUT on Saturday 14 August 2021 at 10h00.

Expand your horizon and experience this exhibition of eclectic works.

Click below to view the work on display