The Tina Skukan gallery is hosting an exhibition by

Hannatjie Visser



This exhibition will feature a variety of paintings, sculptures, and works of functional art that celebrate life and nature in all its forms and hues.
The sculptures constructed mostly of basic materials, such as clay, wood, and steel, convey the simplicity and beauty of existence. There is also a selection of oil, acrylic, and ink paintings that portrays the artist’s joyous impression of her local surroundings. Her creations are based on the distinctiveness she perceives in each and every person.
Hannatjie Visser’s work is expressive, conceptual, and rustic. South African nature and cultural variation served as inspiration for her work.

The exhibition will be opened on Sunday 2 July 2023 at 11h30 – 14h00

‘LIFE IN FULL COLOUR’ will conclude on 27 July 2023