An exhibition of mixed media work by
Elrie Joubert, Grietjie Lee, Geertjie Grové, Lein Smuts, Michèle Nigrini, Sandra Lemmer, Zaria de Villiers
Reset / Regroup
Our lives, in one way or another have changed and for all of us it seems to be a time of constant adaptation to life lived in a different way. We are resetting our lives, regrouping ourselves and recharging our sense of wellbeing and finding where we go from here.
Reset / Regroup is a group of mixed media artworks by 7 female artists from the Free State, each processing their experiences of the uncertain world around us. Reflecting on the beauty around them – using it as a source of comfort and strength.
The exhibition can be viewed from Saturday 23 October 2021 at 10h00 and will conclude on Wednesday 17 November 2021.